Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Car < Movie

     In case you did not read my blog about my adventure in Lund, Meghan and I rented a car for that trip. I simply emailed a guy and told him the dates that we needed a car. He replied saying to just show up, and he would have a car for us. We did not have to show our American driver’s licenses. We did not have to sign any papers. We did not even have to tell them our names! A lady just handed us the keys. No questions asked. When we returned the car, we did not even have to fill it up with gas.
     Now last Wednesday, Meghan and I decided to rent a movie. It took us a long time to decide on a movie that neither of us had seen yet. We finally decided on a Ryan Gosling movie called “All Good Things”. We went to the counter to rent it and pay. The guy asked us something in Swedish, which of course our reply was “English?” He asked us if we had identification. Meghan showed him her Florida’s driver’s license. He said that wasn’t good enough and asked if we had Swedish identification numbers like a social security number. When we informed him that we do not, he informed us that we could not rent the movie. We had to call Daniel, our coach, to come to the movie store to rent the movie for us!

Moral of the story: We are able to rent a car, but we cannot rent a movie! Sweden never ceases to amaze me!!!

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