Sunday, January 15, 2012

Harry Potter Puzzle

      My friends, Jamie and Nikki Gross, sent me a Christmas present! They sent it with Mike so he gave it to me in Paris. Jamie and Nikki had told me ahead of time though that they had found me the perfect present. They were definitely right! I do love Harry Potter; although, my love comes nowhere close to their love for Harry Potter. They are kind of obsessed. ;) I really love doing puzzles though! I did a blog a while back on my progress doing a 500 piece puzzle. Well here is my progress on doing my 1000 piece Harry Potter puzzle!
After 1.5 hours of work.
After another 1.5 hours of work.
After another 4 hours of work.

 So I thought that I had taken another picture after the previous one, but I was wrong. So here comes a big leap to the finish!
After another 6.5 hours of work. Finished!


  1. JO! Glad to see you updating your blog again. I also <3 Harry Potter.

  2. Yes, I am sorry that it took so long! I will do my best to stay up-to-date for the rest of my time here!!!

  3. You had better, I need something to occupy me during class!!!!

    Just kidding ;-) But only a little.
