Monday, November 28, 2011


     I wish I could remember where I got the idea to buy a puzzle. I think I might have seen it on TV, but I don’t watch TV here. It’s a mystery! But anyways, I decided last Tuesday that it would be a fun challenge to do a puzzle. I wanted to do a 1000 piece, but I did not like any of the options that they had. They were all scenes from nature or famous buildings from around the world except there weren’t any from Sweden! I decided to settle on a 500 piece instead. Guess how much it cost? $20! I took some photos along the way to show how my puzzle progressed. It took me a total of 4.5 hours to complete the puzzle. One of the girls on the team told me that her family has a lot of puzzles so hopefully this won’t be my only one. I want to accomplish the 1000 piece next! Do they make puzzles with more pieces than that?
The puzzle that I picked out.
After 30 minutes of work, all the pieces are face up.
After another hour of work, the border is complete.
After another 2 hours of work, lots of the inside done.
After 1 more hour, COMPLETE!!!
 A few up close shots...


  1. I love puzzles. 500 pieces are nicely done alone. 1000 pieces in a group! 1500+ Ha Ha Ha!!!

  2. 2,000 piece clearance puzzles for you!
