Thursday, March 8, 2012

Every Day I'm Bloggin

     I don’t have too much time left in Sweden so I have decided to take full advantage of it! And I want to make sure that I am keeping my loyal readers informed. ;) I have decided that I am going to write a blog every day for the rest of my time in Sweden. This is going to be a difficult task for me, but I am looking forward to it as well.
     BUT I am going to need your help! I am sure that I have not written about everything that you are wondering about my life. Now is your time to ask me any questions about my life in Sweden and get the answers you have been looking for! Either comment on this post with your questions, or email me at
     Now I am going to ask another favor of you… Please sign my guestbook! I plan on creating a scrapbook of my time in Sweden when I return to America. I would really like to include a page of people who followed my adventures. All it takes is clicking HERE to sign my online guestbook. Someone told me that they did not want to sign it because you have to enter an email address. If this is the case for you, please just enter my email address from above instead. Or you can simply comment on this post. Or send me an email. The only thing I ask is that you include the country that you are reading from.
     Shout out to my readers in Russia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, etc. I want to know who you are! Thanks for reading. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jo,
    Can you give us some perspective on the cost of living there? Groceries, gas, movies, eating out. How are you doing on your recyclables?
