Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Family Fun Day

     I have two children here in Ljungby. My son is Joel, and my daughter is Meghan. They became my children because we hang out a lot and they always fight. I am the one who has to break them up and keep them under control. I have also cooked them dinner while they played with a balloon in the other room until Meghan got hurt and they started fighting!
     Yesterday, we spent some quality family time together. Joel doesn’t have a job right now so he is able to hang out with us during the day. We went on a walk together around town. We decided that we wanted to stop at Roddy’s, the coffee shop, on the way back. Of course, Meghan and Joel did not bring their wallets so mom had to pay. I got an ice latte and a cookie. Both kids just got a latte because Joel said he could only have sugar on Saturdays. BUT Joel got a chocolate latte with whipped cream on top! His explanation was “mom bought me sugar so it’s ok.”
     After practice, Joel made us dinner. It was very delicious! After dinner, we were watching some youtube videos. We came upon a video of attempts at the world record for number of times you can kick yourself in the head in a minute. I decided that I needed to see if I could even kick myself in the head. This of course turned into actually attempting to kick myself in the head over and over again. We decided to only go for 15 seconds though!
     I thought that I had a shot at the world record until I heard the world record! It is 115 kicks in one minute. I definitely have a lot of practice before I am at that level.

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